Get your glow on!
Is your skin glowing?
I’m sure you’ve heard it – our skin is our largest detoxification organ. When an organ or system is out of sorts or can’t eliminate properly via the bladder or bowels, the skin can take the burden. Think of a clogged drain in a sink. If the water can’t be flushed then it overflows.
There are many ways of interpreting what is happening with the skin:
1. Location location location!
The type of skin issue is just as important as the location! I like to take into consideration what acupuncture meridians are involved – whether that be the gallbladder or kidney meridian amongst others. This way we can gain further insight of what might be going on inside the body.
2. Deficiencies: some rashes are red and dry like sand paper. Other patients can have pustular outbreaks related to hormonal changes. Many patients drink adequate amounts of water having little to no effect on their skin. In these cases, there are usually nutrient deficiencies.
3. Number 1 and 2: Yes, potty talk! I always ask my patients if they are peeing and pooping properly and how often. Sometimes a patient will say they are regular, but that they go every 3 days! My goal is to lessen the burden on the skin and help eliminate through the kidneys and colon.
Contact our Mississauga Naturopathic Doctors for help in interpreting what is happening with your skin.